Blog 7: Overcoming Self-Doubt: What If 'Not Good Enough' Is Just a Myth?

Qualified to have a fitness business

I was having a moment of self doubt, anxiety and imposter syndrome - as we all do! 👇🏻

- And I in my efforts to get myself out of a funk this came to me and I was blown away with how it made me feel!


(👆🏻me trying to stay warm and positive in what can sometimes feel like a dark & negative world!)

What if your doubts about being good enough we’re actually this👇🏻…

What if you’re deceiving yourself with thoughts of

‘I’m not good enough, qualified enough, experienced enough…’

What if you’re saying those things to yourself because subconsciously you know you are more than good enough...

-and you don’t actually fear that you’re not good enough but you actually fear that you’re way more good enough and you don't know what to do with that!

You’re more than good enough and that scares you because anything is possible and you can achieve anything…

-and the thought of that is BIG so…

Instead you tell yourself ‘I am not good enough’ because that keeps you safer than living in your true power and your true potential!

If this resonated or inspired you today, drop me a comment below and let me know!


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