Charlotte Brawn Fitness

MoveMeditate™ Practitioner Training

MoveMeditate™️ is a method to introduce movement, meditation and mental health to your class participants & clients.

It’s a way to bring together movement, meditation and breath. It combines elements of my own personal practice of meditation and mindfulness that I have learnt over the years and my experience of teaching Yoga & meditation.


It’s an attempt to get people moving their bodies whilst at the same time being mindful & connecting to the breath & thoughts.


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MoveMeditate = meditation instructor training

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Gain access monthly to:

  • New MoveMeditate™ combinations to add to your class plans
  • New marketing social media posts, email template & more
  • Updated training as and when available

Monthly membership can be cancelled anytime but all new content will not be able to accessed if you're no longer a member (you will still have access to practitioner training and plenty of class content without the monthly membership)

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then GBP 9.99 per month

Order summary

MoveMeditate™ Practitioner Training

With the MoveMeditate Method™️, we focus on body, mind & breath. It's a meditative way of exercising that aims to change the way people view meditation and help people to do it on a daily basis.



Practitioner training includes:

  • Module 1: Meditation basics & the benefits of regular meditation
  • Module 2: The theory behind MoveMeditate™, why its different to meditation, & how it can be used for your clients and classes.
  • Module 3: The Movements, The Breath & The Visualisations 
  • Module 4: How to put together a class, an add-on (a cool down to one of your regular classes) & an online class & program!
  • Module 5: Marketing MoveMeditate™ & approaching gyms
GBP 197
Total due GBP 197

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